chp4 01
Posted October 28, 2013 at 12:00 am

Normally Wicker wouldn't bother hanging about but he just happened to be passing thru when the twins showed up.

And, chapter 4 is now on its way! I admit I have been having a little bit of baby related troubles this week that have really slowed me down, mostly horrible back and body aches. That on top of crunch time at the game studio has really put me out. Ideally this page would be a bit more polished so i may repost it later.

Hey, you all ready for Halloween?! I thought I celebrate the upcoming holiday by posting some very witchy webcomics for you all to enjoy. First up is:

A delightful story about a young witch who wishes to learn traditional baking,

A newer comic featuring a young knight, witches, and magic!

What happens when bratty witches go to high school? Find out here.

Witch's Quarry
Good old fashioned tale of good and evil, and a witch!

I also heard tale that a super secret witchy web comic will be posted on Halloween over on the Hive Works site.

Do you have a favorite witch webcomic? Or know about any great� supernatural/horror comics? Please share your reccomnedations in the comments and I will post up a special spooky reading list next week!
