Chapter Break Fan Art week pt2
Posted July 14, 2016 at 04:38 pm

OOOOOHHHHH THIS THING! Let me tellsss you about THIS PIECE OF FIREWOOD! Phinny WORKSSS very hard everyday for dumb fanui, Phinny hasss to clean messes and follow around Masters doing thisss and that but thisss THING! It just hangsss out in a cupboard for yearsss doing NOTHING. LAZY! Than Phinny findsss out goat girl has taken it homesss and getsss to do all kindsss of neat thingsss, like hang out with mice in the attic and pretend to eat cookiesss! THOSE SHOULD BE PHINNY'S MICE AND PHINNY'S COOKIESSS!!! Maris and Mers have NO cookies! Only piles of booksss and more boring booksss.  Phinny hopes Oldman Wicker THROWSSS it in the OVEN! And bakesss Phinny some cookiesss.

* Christy here: Today's fan art was submitted by reader "Jylani" whose craft making sercrets I must STEAL for myself! It's awesome to see a character come to life in this way! I myself have attempted doll making- I got as far as a sculpey head- Kay's bald head sits on my shelf!! XD Some day I will figure out the rest *

