Book2 Chp06 26
Posted February 12, 2023 at 03:43 pm

Hello there,
This chapter is just about done...after that there is only 1 chapter left to wrap up Book 2 of The Forgotten Order. I promise less flash backs are more magical punches and kicks.

Little bit of a fun update. My husband has just published a puzzle book series called "Sunome" featuring a system that he designed where you both create and solve mazes. I've done a lot of these and I find them sort of hypnotic to solve. Time seems to fly by while I am working out the solutions. I joke that they are a great "I am on a long flight need something fun to do the next few hours" puzzles but I think it is nice to have other ways to relax then stare at my phone. Perhaps you guys enjoy little logic puzzles as well? 
You can find paper books and a pay what you want pdf version here. He also posts daily free puzzles to the Sunome twitter.
