Book2 Chp 1.25
Posted March 1, 2017 at 12:27 am

Trystan doesn't want to hear it.

My house is currently in a state of disarray, we are sorting thru every object we own trying to figure out what to ship and what to sell/dump. In about 3 weeks my work station will be in a crate and the hiatus/chapter break will begin. No joke, most of my stuff will be on a boat and may take 12 weeks to get to me. But im air freighting my computer and cintiq ;)

I'm throwing together a sneak peak of the extra stuff ive been working on (about half a chapter worth of stuff no one was supposed to see until I did a soft relaunch of the site), I'm also still looking for guest comics and artists. A good friend of mine wrote up some cute 1 page comic scripts for Forgotten Order, so if anyone out here who wants to do guest work and is short on ideas send me an email ( and we can chat. I already got 1 cute comic to post up (hooray).
