book2 chp6 pg 28
Posted March 13, 2023 at 12:01 am

This concludes chapter 6.
There is only 1 more chapter left in Book 2 and its a doozy! People, things, magic... it all is gonna be happening. There will be a short break as I put together a ton of much needed prep work for what happens next, but that will soon be shared over on my Patreon. A new knight interlude is also in the works and will be inserted into book 1 chapter 4! But no worries, I will share it as a special update as well so you don't miss it.

Also, The forgotten Order is still being slowly uploaded to Webtoons biweekly (more or less) and has just concluded chapter 3, so there is long ways to go there but I am taking my time to make the vertical scroll format feel well paced and colorful...maybe too colorful. There is also some interesting edits there that may of may not be updated here. For example I am currently combining some of the older Fauni Fairytales to make them easier to read and a little more truthful to the story (as opposed to being heavily biased by the Fauni perspective).

Thanks for reading and see you all soon for chapter 7!
